Well big sis tagged me with this so here goes:
1. Best Meal Ever: So many choices, since I am basically addicted to food, but I would have to go back to spagetti , meatballs, and gravy (homemade by momma of course) with warm bread and butter and garlic salad. Brings me right back to my childhood.
2. Best Sleep Ever: Just about any night :)
3. Best Cup of Coffee: Well I can't say I am much of a coffee drinker, but Dunkin Donuts iced coffee with extra, extra cream and sugar manages to quench the thirst on occasion; but I would so much rather a nice cup of Vanilla Almond Tea by Republic of Tea.
4. Best Romantic Moment: After I moved to Providence, my boyfriend at the time surprised me the day before Valentine's Day with an unexpected visit. Now although at the time I was questioning our relationship, it was then that he fully poured his heart out to me. We went for a walk and he told me how I changed his life, and he couldn't imagine us not together and he thought I was the love of his life and with a glisten in his eyes, I knew at that moment he meant it.
5. Best Childhood Memory: I would have to go with T on this one. Growing up and all of the experiences tubing and camping with our friends and family. Hayrides, haunted houses, 3 of us sleeping in the car because it was pouring outside, ice skating on the campsite when it was freezing out, sudden rain storms on the river, Jimmies, Dad chopping opening his hand, and all the special one on one fishing trips with Dad.
6. Best Moment of Your Life: I have a lot of moments I am proud of, but I think the best moment is yet to come.
7. Best Moment of Revenge: Without saying too much, what I am doing now and how my life has turned out of the last few months is the perfect revenge. And those of you that know me, understand this completely.
8. Best Thing Someone Has Done For You: My parents raised me to be an intelligent, independent and strong woman. Without them I wouldn't be the person I am today.
9. Best Thing You Have Done For Someone Else: I had an employee that worked for me, but my boss did not particularly believe in her. However I did, so I went to bat for her, developed a new position to work her strengths and I saved her job. She ended up working for me at more than one property and we became life long friends.
10. Best Life Changing Moment: Receiving my offer from my current job. It began a transition in my life and my career, and there is no looking back now.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Time of My Life
Last May I experienced some life altering experiences. Ending another engagement, moving to a new state where I knew absolutely no one (again) and starting a new job. I was stressed, scared and just a bit lost. But with the help of my family and closest friends I made it through everything and am a stronger person today. After some time I became adjusted to my new life and I decided I needed a change. I had spend the last 8 years in back to back long term relationships and I never spent any time with me. So there I was deciding what to do and I was inspired to see the world. Instantly I logged online and began searching for ideas of places to go. I decided that I needed to do this for me and with me alone. So where could I go that I could feel comfortable by myself, I knew the language and I had endless possibilities of things to keep me occupied: London!! So I booked a flight and a room and the rest was history. September finally came and I was off having the time of my life, experiencing the city and everything it had to offer. Shopping in Covent Garden, taking tours, visiting attractions, visiting pubs, and meeting a cute Brit too. I fell in love with the city and still think maybe I will move there.

After my trip, I decided that this was just the beginning. Within days of my return I booked another trip, this time to Madrid. Now although I speak Spanish enough...I decided I wasn't sure if I could do this one alone. So I was lucky enough to have my favorite cousin, G, join me on this trip. Which we just returned from last night. Madrid was beautiful and we were lucky enough to experience some of the amazing aspects the city had to offer; flamenco dancing, classic Spanish cuisine at the oldest restaurant in the world, musuems, crazy flea market in Rastro, tapas, churros con chocolate and wine, wine and more wine.
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