Days after moving in I was promoted to Director of Rooms at my job. Now this is quite an accomplishment, especially since I have only worked at this property for just over 8 months. I can completely say that I love my job and it looks like things at work will only continue to get better.
I am also lucky enough to say that I have been able to add a new person to my circle of best friends. I don't think that it is every day that you find a friend that you really connect with at my age. I find it is much easier to add acquaintances to your life, but true best friends are hard to come by.
So it all seems pretty great, right? Well yes and no. Each one of these things are great, but I am not completely happy with myself. For those of you that know me, I have struggled with my weight since I was a teenager. And today I have reached my breaking point. Today I will make a change. So I pledge to you that I will lose the weight once and for all! I have taken my pre-diet pictures (however I will not be posting them until I lose the weight). And my goal is to lose 35 pounds. Now in order to be accountable I plan to use this as a forum to track my progress. So today is day 1, 35 pounds to go. I began the morning with some cardio with Bob (my favorite trainer) and then a little bit of time of the bike. My caloric intake today was 1345, a bit more than I planned, but you have to start somewhere.